charles beristain

  • Boulevard Town of West Hartford, CT, 06107, USA - West Hartford
    intersection of blvd. and farmington ave light .. no longer triggers for cyclists approaching from the blvd.
  • 1317 Farmington Avenue West Hartford, Connecticut - West Hartford
    from sunset farm entrance to the MDC ...tall grass is making the bike lane too narrow . cars race up to be first at the merge so as cyclists we ride as close to the edge as possible .. and the overgrown grasses force us into the car lane ... needs to be mowed.... thanks
  • Rt 187 east granby, Connecticut - US Congressional District CT1
    debris in the southbound shoulder/bike lane starting at the intersection of RT 20 .. gets worse where the tilcon trucks turn in . continues through the rumble strips to the bridge. we have to move out to the car lane where the cars are travelling at high speeds ... the rumble strips make it even worse because it makes the bike lane narrow. it would be nice if the maintenance dept could send a street cleaner truck out .. thanks
  • 193 Sedgwick Road West Hartford, Connecticut - West Hartford
    Quite a while ago, I asked the traffic dept to review how this light was setup and they replied that it was set up based on their traffic studies. I'm hoping they will take another look.
    The issue as I see it is that the green light for sedgwick is very short ( maybe 20 seconds) even though there is no traffic waiting on Ridgewood. So the light always defaults to Ridgewood traffic. As a cyclist, I can rarely catch a green light riding on sedgwick .... maybe only 10% of the time. As a comparison, the light on Ridgewood and the Boulevard is 'neutral'
  • Road Repair Archivé
    Sedgwick Road West Hartford, Connecticut - West Hartford
    Utilities seem to dig a lot of holes in the roadway, especially where the cyclists ride. They don't seem to make the repair "even" with the road surface. Humps and Dips are commonplace. And the edges of the fix is rarely covered with a tar patch to keep water out ( freeze/thaw cycle). There must be 15 ro 20 of these on Sedgwick betwen the school and Ridgewood. Hopefully these will be fixed soon and after that,hope the town works with the utilities to upgrade the finished product. More pics here:
  • Rt 315 Rt 10 Intersection Simsbury, CT - Simsbury Center
    intersection rt 315 tariffville road and RT 10 .. crossing light going south to north on the rail trail. The button for the crossing light is not close to the crosswalk and there is a curb in front of the crossing light button, so the cyclists must dismount, back the bike up and point it towards the crosswalk. Difficult for many to do .. and some just wait for a lull in the traffic and cross without using the light. I suggest the curb in front of the crossing light button be removed and the road striping added as part of the crosswalk