
  • Wayne State University Midtown Loop, Detroit, MI 48201, USA - US Congressional District MI13
    Some driver thoughtlessly destroyed the yield to pedestrian sign. Can it be replaced, and with a more effective sign? Crossing here feels very dangerous.
  • 662 Woodward Avenue Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI13
    Can we get a regular walk cycle here instead of the 'ask to cross the street' button? It's really dangerous. Even when you press the button and get the signal (causing the traffic signal on Woodward to turn red), drivers have already processed the traffic signal as a flashing yellow and continue to drive through the crosswalk.
  • 201-259 East Warren Avenue Detroit, Michigan - US Congressional District MI13
    I press this button every day, but the Walk signal never appears. This is crossing Warren on the east side of John R, but as far as I know the west side crosswalk is also broken.