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Open Issues: 71 Closed Issues: 11,965 Acknowledged Issues: 84
  • Hamilton Park Jersey City, New Jersey - Downtown
    Can we please request that leaf blowing be done before or after the morning rush? They seem to do this every year at 8am which is when everyone is walking to work or school. Literally blowing leaves while people are walking by and blowing debris into the dog parks while people stand here. Thank you.
  • 119–121 Central Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - The Heights
    Every single tree pit along the reservoir is full of overgrown weeds - this needs to be regularly maintained. Who is responsible for this?
  • 154–176 Central Ave Jersey City NJ 07307, United States - The Heights
    Full of weeds, unkept and right next to the Pershing Field playground. Numerous request have been submitted and nothing has been done. This can be a beautiful small garden
  • 139 Woodward St Jersey City NJ 07304, United States - Bergen-Lafayette
    Seal up opening on skatepark side of silos
  • 201 Central Ave Jersey City NJ 07307, United States - The Heights
    Surrounding the pool and rink at Pershing Park, there are many areas of overgrown weeds and trash.
  • Tall Weeds/GrassAcknowledged
    100 Palisade Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - The Heights

    Poison ivy is growing on the tree (hairy vine) and in bushes (three leaves vine)

    Located in the back of Sgt Anthony park to the right of the basketball court

  • ConstructionAcknowledged
    66 Central Ave Jersey City, NJ, 07306, USA - The Heights
    The building on the corner of central and beacon has installed multiple of these flood lights. They are not motion censors and remain on 24/7. They are incredibly bright and flood surrounding yards and windows with bright harsh light. It's like all the yards now feel like poorly lit parking lots. After the literal years of reckless and dangerous construction this crew has been doing, you'd think the least they could do is be respectful of the neighbors space now that the outside of the structure is done. It's bad enough that the building and its unpainted cement is an eye sore, myself and the surrounding neighbors would love for our yards and bedroom windows that face that way to not have that horrible light.
  • 71 Skillman Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07306 - Journal Square

    1. Owner of 71 Skillman erected an illegal gate closing off entire street just like crooks at west end of Cottage.

    2. Gate has no permit to exist. 71 Skillman owners have no easement from the City for taking public street and public fire hydrant for private use. Gate could not have been allowed because it closes off public fire hydrant. Access by JCFD is denied.

    3. I request DPW immediately demolish an illegal private gate on Skillman.

  • ConstructionAcknowledged
    12 Beacon Ave Jersey City NJ 07306, United States - The Heights
    This new structure is in the back of 12 Beacon Ave and exceeds the height allowed. Residents fought to limit the height of this new construction. The new structure is taller than the existing home and construction is not done. (Picture with pink line) There were originally three garages the same height and the one circled in pink.
  • ConstructionAcknowledged
    40 Lembeck Ave Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - Greenville

    A developer is taking a small multi-family at 40 Lembeck Avenue and converting it to a 17 unit building with NO PARKING.

    Why are these developers even getting approval to build anything without parking? That should be tablestakes. only 10% will be affordable maybe 1-2 units of a 17 unit building will be affordable???????

    Stop voting for Fulop. He DOES NOT care about the middle class. Jersey City has is no longer affordable in any way.

  • ConstructionAcknowledged
    1 Burma Rd Jersey City, New Jersey, 07305 - Liberty Park
    For the past few weeks when driving by 1 Burma Road I noticed the once long vacant lot starting to fill up with trucks, truck cargo box frames, old tires, and now a repair building was erected. A sign has gone up on the fence with the companies name. Sunhing Logistic Inc. Reynold Logistic Inc Warehouse Logistics Trucking Services. I see no permits on the sdl website and nothing in the planning or zoning board meeting minutes. How can a business takeover a vacant lot without Jersey City’s approval? Especially this type of business. They are doing major work on the vehicles in the building (see photo) and on the side of the building. There must be 100 to 200 old tires surrounding the property inside the fence. I am reporting this issue in the construction category because of the repair building and the construction of the whole lot but it could go into many more. Please do something. This mess is at the roundabout at the rear entrance to LSP near the old Liberty Diner that just came down to make way for the movie studio. Thank you.
  • ConstructionAcknowledged
    14 Burma Rd Jersey City, NJ 07305, USA - Liberty Park
    someone is building a structure (looks like office) on this lot that is now used for truck parking